Lynsey Addario is an amazing photojournalism who goes to different countries and shoots photos of people going about their daily lives. Her parents owned a beauty salon until they divorced when her father came out gay. After the divorce, her father gave her a camera and later, funds to launch her career. She has three sisters; Lauren, Lesley, and Lisa, and her house growing up was always open everyone came over and had a good time. Lynsey Addario never thought about photo-journalism as a career until she started out. When she began, Lynsey Addario had no clue how to do a photo-journalists job and now she takes these amazing photos that make people pause and think about why certain events are happening in the world. Her first photograph was of Madonna at a movie set, with some help her career was launched.
One thing that stood out to me about Karl Maasdams presentation was that he continued to always get the picture by shooting at different angles and what he called the hail Mary, where he lifted the camera above his head trying to get the right picture. As well as how he continuously places cameras at different spots a head of time and scopes out the area to get an idea on what he wanted for the background as well as get a feel for the place. I can use these suggestions by trying to get different angles and to try to understand the environment where I will be shooting better. This way I could get a picture easier since I will be able to place myself in the right spot for the photograph. I might shoot the upcoming mens basketball game or a couple of people that I know that like to work out at the gym by lifting weights. The weights one might be harder to get an actual good action photo thats not boring while the mens basketball game will be harder to shoot because of ...
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